The Magic Bullet of Perseverance (Sponsored Content)

As a high level fitness trainer I see it all the time. I meet people in January. They have excitement and drive and they are ready to lose tons of weight; get in the best shape of their life and conquer the world!

Time goes by and most of these people show up less frequently, start gaining back weight, lose motivation and ultimately quit.
Some people achieve their goals; set new ones, and completely transform their bodies and lives!
So here’s the question…

What’s the difference between most people who fail and the few who succeed???
The answer is Perseverance!

“Perseverance”- – steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement
Unfortunately, this isn’t just a scenario in exercise. This happens in every aspect of our lives.

Being successful in any occupation takes time and consistency. I remember starting out as a personal trainer 14 years ago. I had just turned 22 years old and the gym I worked for paid me $8/hour. But I decided I would become one of the top trainers in my industry. Day in and day out I put in the time both marketing myself and studying the most cutting edge of sports sciences. By my mid twenties I went from making $8/hr to making a very comfortable living! This didn’t come by chance; it came from having a clear purpose and following through.
I woke up every morning at 4:45am for 7 straight years! While many of my friends were clocking 9-5s, I was building a strong business. Fast forward 14 years and I now sleep in till 5:15am lol, and am well compensated for my expertise!

I want to be clear in telling you that there is a magic bullet. This has nothing to do with talent, or any special gifts. It’s something very rare in my generation and the generations after me. It’s a common thread that I have found in most very successful people.

The magic bullet is called “Hard Work” and an unwaivering commitment to excellence! Everyone has this gift, you just have to draw it out of yourself; stay the course and ultimately Persevere!
Follow me on Twitter for healthy tips and motivation! @StrengthPT

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.”
― Vince Lombardi


Strength Personal Training, Inc., founded in 2004 by John Edwin, is one of the area’s premiere health and fitness companies. Our trainers partner with clients to help them meet and exceed their health and fitness goals through one on one and group training, as well as local Strength Boot Camps. Learn more at