The proposal by a cell phone operator to build and operate a 100′ monopole behind the Barren Hill Fire Company in Lafayette Hill will be back before Whitemarsh Township’s Zoning Hearing Board on Wednesday, April 25th. This hearing will be a continuation of one started on March 14th. Neighbors are upset with the proposal because the structure would be visible in their backyards. The neighbors have a website here with info on why they don’t want it approved.
Here is the notice:
ZHB#2017-01: Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, 647 Germantown Pike, Lafayette Hill, PA; Parcel #65-00-04279-00-3; Block 022; Unit 014; VC-1 Village Commercial Sub-District 1. The Applicant proposes to construct a 100’ monopole with a 5’ lightening rod at the Property Location, the site of Barren Hill Fire Company. A 50’ by 50’ fenced compound is also proposed to house the associated accessory equipment. The following relief is requested: 1. Variance from Section 116-302.A.(1) to allow the facility in the VC Village Commercial District and to be within 500’ of a lot in residential use or a residential district boundary. 2. Variance from Section 116-302.A.(4)(c) to allow the facility to be within 500’ of a lot in residential use or a residential district boundary. 3. Variance from Section 116-302.G.(1) to allow the installation of ground-mounted equipment above ground. This application was continued to the January 10, 2018 meeting; by letter dated January 10, 2018, the applicant’s attorney requested a continuance to March 14, 2018; at the March 14, 2018 meeting, the applicant was heard and the application was continued to April 25, 2018.
The hearing will be at 7:00 p.m. at the Whitemarsh Township building at 616 Germantown Pike in Lafayette Hill.