2045 population projections for Conshohocken, West Conshohocken, Plymouth Township and Whitemarsh Township

The census is being conducted in 2020, so we decided to take a look at what the current projections are for population growth in the communities we cover. The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) has a bunch of data on the topic. Below is the data for Conshohocken, West Conshohocken, Plymouth Township and Whitemarsh Township.

Borough of Conshohocken
Population Height – 10,922 in the 1950s
Absolute Change (2015-2045): 2,881
Percent Change (2015-2045): 36.21%
Absolute Change per Square Mile (2015-2045): 2,822.04

2015 Population7,956
2020 Forecast8,706
2025 Forecast9,456
2030 Forecast9,877
2035 Forecast10,297
2040 Forecast10,567
2045 Forecast10,837

Borough of West Conshohocken
Population Height – 2,579 in the 1930s
Absolute Change (2015-2045): 158
Percent Change (2015-2045): 11.48%
Absolute Change per Square Mile (2015-2045): 180.19

2015 Population1,381
2020 Forecast1,411
2025 Forecast1,442
2030 Forecast1,472
2035 Forecast1,499
2040 Forecast1,521
2045 Forecast1,539

Plymouth Township
Population Height – 18,091 current
Absolute Change (2015-2045): 2,281
Percent Change (2015-2045): 12.92%
Absolute Change per Square Mile (2015-2045): 269.04

2015 Population17,653
2020 Forecast18,091
2025 Forecast18,527
2030 Forecast18,969
2035 Forecast19,353
2040 Forecast19,668
2045 Forecast19,934

Whitemarsh Township
Population Height – 18.503 current
Absolute Change (2015-2045): 2,813
Percent Change (2015-2045): 15.92%
Absolute Change per Square Mile (2015-2045): 191.11

2015 Population17,663
2020 Forecast18,503
2025 Forecast19,040
2030 Forecast19,486
2035 Forecast19,859
2040 Forecast20,197
2045 Forecast20,476