Borough of Conshohocken releases study into its police department

On December 3rd, the Borough of Conshohocken released a report produced by an outside consultant that studied the borough’s police department and made a series of recommendations. The report was submitted to the borough on December 7, 2020. It is now a year old.

We have read through it once and want to again before reporting on it. There is a lot of information. So for the time being, you can view the document here.

The History of Trying to Obtain This Document

The Borough of Conshohocken previously denied a right-to-know request for this document claiming the document related to “internal, predecisional, deliberations and strategy.” The right-to-know was submitted by a mayoral candidate in the last election. It was submitted on May 3rd.

Jenkintown conducted a similar study and that study was also sought via a right-to-know and Jenkintown denied the request as well. In that case, the person seeking the document challenged the rejection, and a judge ordered Jenkintown to release the document (with the ability to redact certain aspects).

On December 2nd, when learned about this court order (due to an article by, we submitted a right-to-know with the Borough of Conshohocken for the report and attached the court order.

We received a reply that it was announced during the December 1st meeting that the report would be released on December 3rd. We had been unable to attend the December 1st meeting. We rescinded our right-to-know request.

The chief of police also made a presentation during this workshop meeting that was on the agenda as “2021 Police Department Update Presentation, George Metz, Police Chief.” The Borough of Conshohocken does not normally make available the video of workshop meetings.

We sent an email on December 4th asking that this be made available to the public. This presentation could provide details on how the borough has acted on the recommendations made by the consultant that produced the report and other pertinent information.