Conshohocken’s Mayoral Race Takes Harsh Tone

On October 16th, published an opinion piece about the current climate of the local election, especially the mayor’s race, in Conshohocken.

The piece by was driven by a social media post and a flyer that strongly questioned incumbent Mayor Bob Frost (R, pictured right) performance and commitment. Both apparently came from Yaniv Aronson (pictured left), the candidate for mayor from the Democratic Party.

One person commenting under’s Facebook post claimed that the social media post must have been doctored. We emailed Aronson to ask if that was the case and we didn’t receive a response back. Unrelated, his campaign emailed us to promote his Community & Arts Revitalization Plan, and we responded to that email asking if they had received our previous email and again we did not receive a response back.

We asked Mayor Frost about the social media post and the flyer and he responded:

I spoke with many of the residents from the Fourth Ward personally about their safety concerns including speeding, reckless driving, and careless motoring along W. 6th Avenue. For the safety of the families, I ordered temporary stop signs to be installed for 90 days after working collaboratively with the Conshohocken Police and Public Works.

The children on that street deserved the full 90 days to see the project through and I would have never said the signs should be taken down any earlier, as my challenger claims. Ultimately, the permanence of the signs would be voted on by Council and they could vote to remove them should they prove ineffective or burdensome, however most of the feedback I’ve received from the residents is overwhelmingly positive. I’m happy to have worked hard for the residents of 6th Avenue and hope the stops signs allow for a safer neighborhood  for our families.

The language being used in the social media post and flyer is pretty harsh and not exactly accurate. The mayor can advocate for a permanent stop sign, but can not “ensure” it being permanent as Aronson promises he will do on the flyer. Only Borough Council can vote to put a stop sign up permanently. The mayor could only vote if there is a tie.

And who exactly does the borough need to be taken back from? Aronson is a Democrat, the majority of the town are members of the Democratic Party and the Borough Council (where the real power lies) consists of a 6-1 Democratic Party majority.

Let us know what you think in the comments.