2019 Conshohocken Restaurant Rally
Food & Drink, Hosted By Conshy Ambucs
Took place on Sunday, May 19th, 2019 from 11:00am to 4:30pm
13th Annual Event - Back By Popular Demand! Presented by ConshyAMBUCS.org and LoveCONSHY.com RALLY SCHEDULE 11:00 a.m. - Meet your group and pick up credentials — Great American Pub, 123 Fayette St. Conshohocken, Pa 19428 (use entrance on East 2nd Ave.) 12:00 p.m. - Restaurant Rally kickoff! 12:05 p.m. - Free shuttle bus loop begins around Conshohocken 4:30 p.m. - End of Rally. Remember to drop off your vote for ‘Best of the Rally’ to the Great American Pub! How it works: Bring friends (and make new ones along the way!) and get ready to walk, crawl, and bus your way through a foodie's delight in Conshohocken. 15-20 local restaurants make a signature dish from their menu and proudly serve it to Rally participants displaying credentials. Many of the great Conshohocken restaurants have a full bar available, while others offer a custom-created complimentary beverage. The cost per ticket is $60.00 and supports year-round Special Olympics event programming. A transportation 'Rally Bus' loops the area throughout the day; hop on and off at your leisure, or fall in love with an outdoor seat at any of the participating restaurants. Some people make it their mission to taste from each of the many participating restaurants! Tickets to this year's event are limited and will sell out early, as in previous years. Proceeds from the 2019 Restaurant Rally support Special Olympics programs in the Conshohocken area, including Special Olympics bowling, basketball, aquatics, bocce, track & field, volleyball, long distance run & walk, and more! LOVE CONSHY has again teamed up to make the Restaurant Rally an even bigger success! Please visit LoveCONSHY.com for information about upcoming events in the Conshohocken area.