1. Conshohocken Borough/Plymouth Township Republican Committee’s Annual Spring Cookout & Fundraiser

    Fundraiser, Hosted By Conshohocken Borough & Plymouth Township Republican Committees

  2. Took place on Saturday, May 20th, 2023 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
  3. VFW Post 1074
    300 E 5th Ave, Conshohocken, PA 19428
  4. You Are Cordially Invited to the Conshohocken Borough/ Plymouth Township Republican Committee’s Annual Spring Cookout & Fundraiser! Saturday, May 20th (1pm – 4pm) VFW Post 1074 300 E 5th Ave, Conshohocken, PA 19428 $50 per ticket (Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Roast Beef, Beer & More Included!). Ticket can be purchased day of at door. EVENT SPONSORSHIP: PLATINUM $1000 _______ (Includes 10 Tickets); GOLD $500 _______ (Includes 5 Tickets); SILVER $250 _______ (Includes 2 Tickets) Corporate checks not allowed by law; Please RSVP by May 17th Make checks payable to the Conshohocken Borough Republican Committee (CBRC) MAIL TO: CONSHOHOCKEN BOROUGH REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE (CBRC) c/o Chris Dieckhaus 327 W. Eleventh Ave. Conshohocken, PA 19428 For more info contact: Rich Kosich (484) 904-6126 or Lenore Bruno (610) 715-0030 Paid for by the Conshohocken Borough Republican Committee, Chris Dieckhaus, Treasurer See less Outdoor

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