“I Want My Mummy”–A FREE Zoom program with Dr. Steve - MoreThanTheCurve
Serving Conshohocken, Lafayette Hill, Plymouth Meeting and West Conshohocken since 2009.
  1. “I Want My Mummy”–A FREE Zoom program with Dr. Steve

    Education, Hosted By William Jeanes Memorial Library

  2. Took place on Thursday, October 28th, 2021 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
  3. online
  4. We’re happy to bring back Dr. Steve Phillips from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology for this timely presentation! In an effort to better understand why ancient Egyptian mummies hold such a fascination in popular culture, this lecture presents a history of Western civilization’s centuries-long interaction with ancient Egypt’s human remains, how attitudes regarding those mummies changed through time, and, how mummy-related folklore still influences the modern world. This talk includes unpublished images of the actual mummies of several of Egypt’s most famous pharaohs, as well as behind-the-scenes images of 4,500-year-old mummies as they emerged from the sands during Dr. Phillips’ own recent archaeological excavations in the cemeteries adjacent to the Great Pyramids at Giza, Egypt. NOTE: this presentation contains photographs of ancient, mummified human remains, presented in a respectful, professional manner to which these once-living individuals are entitled.

    Register this FREE program HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_p6jcJOaHR3-DgpEy_BqN9gfor

    Thank you to the Friends of William Jeanes Memorial Library for sponsoring this program, and for their Mary Knowles Technology Fund for sponsoring subtitling for all virtual library programs.

    Free Admission

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