The final zoning hearing on the proposed convenience store with gas pumps at the former Moore Chevrolet property at 12th and Fayette will be held on Thursday, June 21st at 7:00 p.m. The hearing will be held at the new Borough Hall at West 4th and Fayette Street.
This hearing will include the closing arguments, plus provide the opportunity for public comment. Please note that if you previously gave public comment when this issue was before the Planning Commission and Borough Council it doesn’t count. This final hearing is before the Zoning Hearing Board and it doesn’t take into consideration what has been previously said. Public comment at this July 21st hearing will also become part of the record, which will be the evidence used if the Zoning Hearing Board’s decision is contested and the issue lands in court.
The Conshohocken Revitalization Alliance is trying to get people re-engaged with the issue. The attendance at the hearings as tapered off to a handful of people.