On the September 16th agenda for Conshohocken’s zoning hearing board is SEPTA’s plan to construct a surface parking lot at 101 Washington Street along the riverfront near the new train station at Washington and Oak streets. A variance is needed to the property’s location within the 100-year floodplain.
This plan is part of SEPTA’s agreement with the Borough of Conshohocken to construct an approximately 125 space surface lot while it explores the possibility of redeveloping the property with a parking garage with apartments above.
From the agenda:
The Petitioner [SEPTA] is seeking a Variance from Sections §27-1714.1.A, B, D, H, and K to permit the construction of a surface parking lot and the associated clearing, filling, and installation of curbing, landscape islands, and stormwater facilities on the site, whereas, such use and activities are prohibited within the 100-year floodplain.
SEPTA issued a RFP regarding redeveloping the property with a parking garage and apartments in July and responses were due back on August 15th.