Update for Commuter Parking at Conshohocken Train Station

An alert reader reminded us a few days ago that the lease extension for the current SEPTA parking lot adjacent to Outbound Station was to expire in April. The actual date is April 15th. We contacted the property owner, SEPTA and the Borough of Conshohocken to find what the plan was for parking after the April 15th and it involves a new lot. SEPTA has a new deal with Jim Neve, who we met today while we were down at the train station to take some pictures, to use a piece of his property for parking. Neve owns the property just upriver from the Conshohocken Train Station.

SEPTA Parking 2


Work has started on creating the new lot. According to SEPTA, it is supposed to be completed by April 7th.

SEPTA Overview

The blue outline generally shows the area they are clearing for the parking lot. SEPTA couldn’t confirm the number of spaces the new lot will provide.