Earlier today MoreThanTheCurve.com reported on a sinkhole along Germantown Pike in the area of the Plymouth Meeting Mall. Right after we published that article, we learned that there was a water main break in the same general area.
The water main break is right in front of the former bank building at the corner of Germantown Pike and Hickory Road. This is on the other side of Germantown Pike and downhill from the sinkhole location. At this point, we do not know if the two are connected.
When we arrived on the scene of the water main break, water was flowing steadily down Germantown Pike all the way to the main entrance. Westbound traffic at that point was being routed through the Plymouth Meeting Mall to Hickory Road. However, by the time we left 30 minutes later a single lane westbound had been reopened.
Due to the water main break, the mall, Greater Plymouth Community Center, and other nearby businesses and residents were without water.
Aqua was in the process of cleaning the area up when we departed. There were large rocks on the westbound lanes.
More to come.