Agenda for May 1st meeting of Conshohocken’s Borough Council

On the May 1st agenda for Conshohocken’s Borough Council are three presentations and four items to be considered.

The three presentations involve the community garden, Colonial Soccer Club, and emergency management. The emergency management update will be provided by the borough’s emergency management personnel.

The items for considerations include two block parties (400 Block of East Ninth Avenue and the Pleasant Valley Homes Development), the acceptance of a resignation from a member of the Friends of Conshohocken Parks, and then the awarding of the 2024 Liquid Fuels Road Program.

The liquid fuels program involves funding the state provides to municipalities for the purpose of supporting the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and repair of public roads or streets. The borough council will vote to award the project to a contractor to do the work.

The meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. at the borough hall.