Back in 2005, an episode of Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie’s The Simple Life featured the reality stars staying with a family in Conshohocken. Randomly on Twitter this morning, someone posted a clip from the show, where one of the sons discusses being the “ex stud of Conshohocken.” Richie also seems to enjoy saying Conshohocken.
— realitytvshow (@bgcslave) February 22, 2018 provides the following recap of the episode:
The girls are off to their next family, and their next internship. On the bus they meet a guy with turrets syndrome. Nicole calls him gorgeous and he apologizes for twitching so much. Paris is then trying out a new cosmetic product that is supposed to make your lips grow or at least seem plumper. Paris and Nicole even get the guy with turrets syndrome to try it out. Nicole then goes and sits on his lap. When the girls arrive to Conshohocken, Pennsylvania they see the two boys of the Sclafani family and the first thing the girls say is that they think the boys think they are hotter than what they really are. Nicole says she wants to punch them already, and she hasn’t even met them yet. Dodie, the mother, is so excited that Paris and Nicole are staying with them. Nicole asks the son C.J. if he is a stud, and he says he is an ex-stud. The boys then go out to get the girl’s bags.
Dodie says she is making meatballs, and then she is talking with Paris and Nicole. Nicole asks the other son to come and talk with them. Nicole first asks what color his nipples are. He says he can’t believe what is coming out of Nicole’s mouth. The girls then head to their next internship which is at a plastic surgeon’s office. They meet one of the surgeons, and he tells them they will see a lip augmentation, eye surgery, and some liposuction. After the girls get into their uniforms on they help with several of the procedures. Once of the nurses then comments that Paris and Nicole are doing well. After some of the procedures, Paris reads to the patients from her book. After their first day, Paris and Nicole go to the gym with the Sclafani brothers. The girls then say they will be the boy’s personal trainers for a day. After the workout the boys go in and take a shower, while they are taking a shower Paris and Nicole steal their clothes. The boys are forced to walk home in a towel. When they get home the girls tell Dodie what they did. Dodie thinks it is hilarious.
The next day of their internship Nicole puts on a thong, and the girls help out with a few more procedures. After sniffing one of the surgeons, and Nicole and Paris freaking out about several of the procedures, the girls draw on one of the patients. The girls then change back into their clothes and are given their evaluations. The girls think they should be given an A for their work. Paris gets $40, and Nicole gets $50. Paris then decides to take the Sclafani’s to a strip club that night. When they get there they find out it is a drag club or at least there is a drag contest that night. After all the men dressed as women perform, Paris gets up and does a little dance and gives one of the Sclafani boy’s a lap dance. When the girls leave the next day, Dodie tells the girls that was the best time of her life. Dodie says she would love for Paris or Nicole to marry one of her sons.
Enjoy the clip.