Christmas Trees for Sale at Whole Foods Market in Plymouth Meeting

Christmas trees recently arrived at Whole Foods Market in Plymouth Meeting. With your purchase of a full-size tree, Whole Foods Market will make a donation to American Forests, which plants new evergreen trees in state and national forests. So for every tree sold, a new one is planted.

Tree Bundle Whole Foods

Pricing and sale information:

  • Tree Arrival Date: Monday, November 19th
  • Premium Fraser Fir Christmas Trees (7-8 ft), $49.99 each
  • SALE Holiday Tree Bundle (Nov. 27th – Dec. 6th), $59.99: 1 Fraser Fir Christmas Tree + 20”  Noble Mixed Wreath + 1 White Pine Roping (20 ft)

Christmas Tree Care Tips:

  • Give the tree a big drink when you take it home. Provide at least a gallon of warm water on the first day.
  • Choose a stand to fit your tree. Look for a stand big enough for the trunk to pass through the upper ring.
  • Place the tree away from heat sources. Heaters, fireplaces, heat vents, radiators and direct sunlight may affect how long your tree will last.
  • Check water daily. Keep the water bowl topped up with fresh water (no need to add anything to the water).



Photo from Whole Foods Market Facebook page.