Rapper Meek Mill was released from prison today after being sentenced to two-to-four years after a parole violation. His being sent to prison became a cause celebre with numerous celebrities getting involved and the hashtag #freemeek going viral. Earlier today comedian Kevin Hart and Conshohocken businessman Michael Rubin visited him in prison. Kevin Hart spoke outside of the prison after meeting with him . Rubin is standing to Hart’s left. Watch the video below:
After Hart and Rubin’s visit to the prison The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ordered Meek Mill released on “unsercured bail” according to CNN. This caused Rubin and Hart to post similar Instagram posts saying they were going to the prison to pick him up. See below:
Meek Mill posted to Instagram thanking Rubin:
Once out of prison, Meek Mill boarded Rubin’s helicopter (the one you always see in Conshy that has a helipad on the riverfront) and was flown to what looked like Camden (jump to 2:28 in the video):
UPDATE – They are going to the Sixers game:
Disclosure: Michael Rubin is an investor in Burb Media, LLC, the parent company of MoreThanTheCurve.com. We have never been on the helicopter.
Photo: Top image screengrab from 6ABC Action News video.