Conshohocken Police Department Aware of Illegal Door-to-Door Solicitors Operating in Borough

Its that time of the year again. Door-to-door solicitors are hitting the streets and your door bell and some aren’t apparently following the rules. While there is a perfectly legal way to conduct business door-to-door within Conshohocken, the Conshohocken Police Department is looking for “several” groups are out there doing it illegally.

Today the Borough of Conshohocken shared the following with the public:

It has come to our attention that several vendors have been soliciting within the Borough of Conshohocken without authorization. Please be aware that both the Borough Administrative Office and Conshohocken Police Department are aware of this concern and working to actively address it.

Every year there are complaints on social media about the perfectly legit solicitors (can I see your PECO bill?), however, we have never been aware of the current situation of groups going around without the proper permit.

A couple nights ago we received the following message from a reader about the experience she had with a solicitor:

Just curious if you’ve had any other complaints about some pushy and slightly aggressive door to door “sales people” from NAME REMOVED? I just had one at my door who was very rude, ripped the flyer he gave to me out of my hands, and kept asking for personal info.

Please note we removed the name of the organization because we aren’t sure if its a legit solicitor or one that is doing so illegally. Or if its someone falsely claiming to represent a legit organization.

Anyhow, solicitors who are acting legally are provided a list of addresses that are part of a do-not-solicit list. You can request to get on it. You can find the general rules for solicitors and details on getting on the no-soliciting list here.