During the June 5th meeting of Plymouth Township’s Council, Conshohocken-based developer EQT EXETER informally proposed to redevelop a portion of the Plymouth Woods Office Park into 310 apartments. The office park is located off Plymouth Road between the Pennsylvania Turnpike, the Sussex Square Apartments, and the new single-family home community directly across from Plymouth Elementary School. The specific area in question is circled in the image above.
Currently, the office park consists of five, one-story office buildings. In 2017, the developer sought and received approval to redevelop two of the buildings with a single, five (potentially seven) story office building. According to the representative of the developer at the June 5th meeting, the office market is not as strong as it has been and they have not been able to secure leases to construct the new building or fill all of the existing buildings. However, they have invested to upgrade the three office buildings that would not be redeveloped.
The proposed 310 apartments would be built in the same area as the two buildings that would have been replaced by the new office building when constructed. The apartment building would be five stories, consisting of three floors of apartments over two floors of parking. Overall, there would be 500 parking spaces (we do not believe all of that would be in the garage).
The representative of ESQ Exeter was asked by a council member if they would be “luxury” apartments and the answer was that they would most likely be “garden” or “workforce” apartments.
The council members declined to offer their opinion on the proposal but stated one would be sent in writing.
It was also not discussed in any detail how the developer would go about seeking approval if it decided to move forward with the proposal. It could seek an amendment to the zoning code, which would be decided by the council, or seek zoning relief from the zoning hearing board.
More to come.