1. Friends of the William Jeanes Library Spring Book Sale!

    Community, Hosted By Friends of the Library

  2. Took place on Saturday, April 27th, 2019 through Sunday, April 28th
  3. William Jeanes Memorial Library
    4051 Joshua Rd, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
  4. The book sale is cash only and will feature a large selection of books about TRAINS!
    Bring your own shopping bags and load up on fiction, non-fiction, paperbacks, CDs, and DVDs. FIND ALL SUBJECTS AND READING LEVELS: children's and young adults' books, novels, cookbooks, gardening books, how-to books, self-help books…AND TRAINS! – organized just like at a book store! Due to the exceptional amount of donations The Friends have received for their spring book sale, they are able to offer the low pricing of 25 cents per comic and 25 cents per Music CD. Books on CD will have the low price of $1 or $2.
    Saturday, April 27th: 10AM to 3PM Sunday, April 28th: 1PM to 3PM
    SUNDAY ONLY -- bring your own grocery-sized bag and fill it up for one low price of $5.00!
    Proceeds from the Friends Book Sale support expanded Library Services and programs.
    The Book Sale will held at the William Jeanes Memorial Library and Nicholas and Athena Karabots Center for Learning at 4051 Joshua Road, Lafayette Hill PA. the sale will be located downstairs in Willaman Community Commons.
    Please do not call the library for information about what they are selling, this event is organized by the Friends of the Library volunteers - not the library staff.
    The Friends group was founded in 1950 and is a separately incorporated nonprofit. To learn more about the William Jeanes Memorial Library and Nicholas and Athena Karabots Center for Learning and the Friends of the Library organization, visit jeaneslibrary.org

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