A Conshohocken woman recently took to CraigsList.com to express her disappoint and anger over a recent break-up. She not only hopes he ends up a vegetable, but also insults The Turbo AC’s, which we are guessing is his favorite band. See the post below:
My heart is iced over, and my soul has hardened. I no longer believe in love. I no longer believe in trust. Humans are garbage and my faith is withered.I hope your spirit dies. I hope your heart struggles to beat. I hope that you are forced to live everyday in emotional agony. I hope everyone you love stabs you in the back over and over until you scream inside of yourself that death would be better. Then I hope that you fail at suicide and have to live the rest of your life as a vegetable.
We will likely never know if the guy involved is shit, but here is a performance from The Turbo AC’s, so you can judge them for yourself: