Ever since Michael Rubin sold GSI Commerce and opened his new company, Kynetic, in Conshohocken, there has been talk of his desire for a helipad near his office space at 225 Washington Street. Kynetic operates websites such as Fanatics.com, RueLaLa.com and ShopRunner.com. They have the need to transport clients from New York and a helicopter is the quickest and most direct method.

For the past year you have also heard that a dog park was being researched at various locations around the Borough. As you may know, the Borough owns 100′ from the river’s edge. A boat house is going to be built just down the river in front of the Riverwalk Apartments using this same 100′ space.
So basically what is being discussed is allowing Kyentic to pay for a helipaid within this 100′ corridor behind their office space. The Borough would own the helipad and be able to use it for emergency services and potentially use it to attract other big name businesses to the Borough. As part of this public/private partnership with Kyentic a dog park would be created in the same general area. The path that goes along the river there would also be incorporated into the overall design.
While it sounds sort of weird to have a helipad and dog park as neighbors, it doesn’t sound like the helipad would be a something that was used everyday by Kyentic. There would be a person designated to clear the area when a helicopter is going to land or take off.
If you are worried about a helicopter making a lot of noise over Conshy, don’t worry the flight path would actually be over Lower Merion and West Conshohocken.
So what next? The Borough’s solicitor is going to start discussions with Kyentic. Also, the FAA also has to approve of this, so it could all be for not if the FAA does not approve it. Note to the Borough, make sure the dog park is paid for no matter the FAA’s decision.
Also of note is that O’Neill Properties owns the land just behind the office complex, which they also own. There had been plans to build another apartment complex or office building in that field. Not sure how this project would affect their plans.
Keep you posted.