Indoor sports training facility proposed for Plymouth Meeting seeking zoning relief

On the December 16th agenda for the Plymouth Township Zoning Hearing Board is an application from Vandalay Industries for a special exception to allow an indoor sports training facility at 105 Lee Drive in Plymouth Meeting (Plymouth Township). A variance is also being sought in regard to the number of parking spaces required.

According to the agenda, the applicant will argue that the special exception should be granted because an indoor sports training facility is “of the same general character” as a physical fitness center, which is permitted by special exception within the “Limited Industrial” zoning district.

The parking requirement is five to 5.5 spaces per one thousand square feet, depending on the gross leasable floor area.

Transparency alert. Plymouth Township is now the only municipality covers that does not provide online the application and supporting documents for zoning hearings. It is simply a choice, and the leadership in Plymouth has chosen not to.

In 2022, the township’s planning agency voted not to recommend a similar proposal due to concerns over traffic and parking.

The hearing is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. at the township building.