Missanelli, Eckel, Luzinski and More Are Going to be at Guppy’s

Every April, Guppy’s Good Times holds a series of fundraising events to benefit Janie Carbo. Every Thursday this month, Guppy’s will feature a celebrity bartender from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with 25% of all sales and 100% of tips going to Janie. This year’s celebrity bartender line-up includes:

April 3 – Brian Pieri, owner of The StoneRose and Bar Lucca
April 10 – Super Bowl Champion Kyle Eckel (Saint’s ’09)
April 17 – Mike Missanelli from 97.5 The Fanatic and Kathy Romano from WMMR/Preston & Steve Show
April 24 – Former Phillie Greg “The Bull” Luzinski

Carbo was born in 2004 with a rare genetic disorder called MIDAS syndrome (Microphthalmia, Dermal Apalsia, Sclerocornea). This syndrome only affects females and left Janie blind at birth. This disorder is so rare Janie was the first case at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.