The Times Herald ran a story recently about the proposed two-building, 352-unit apartment complex proposed for 400 West Elm Street. Most of the article is a rehash of what is known, such as the request for two conditional uses and the hearing regarding this request at the Borough Council meeting on May 15th at 7:00 p.m.
The article also breaks down the split between one bedroom and two bedroom units and the target market. The article states, “Sixty percent of the proposed units will be one bedroom, and 40 percent will be two-bedoom units. The target market for the apartments will be double-income, no kids (DINKs) and empty-nesters.”
I had never heard the term “DINKs” before, so I looked it up. refers to “DINKs” as “A household in which there are two incomes and no children (either both partners are working or one has two incomes). DINKS are often the target of marketing efforts for luxury items such as expensive cars and vacations.”
So if it is approved, expect to have 500+ new neighbors with a good amount of disposable income to spend in the local economy.