Plymouth Township Moving to Add More Parking on Fulton Street

Fulton Street, a residential street off Conshohocken Road (the shaded red area pictured above that basically wraps around the Old Mansion House), has a parking issue and last evening Plymouth Township Council discussed a potential way to alleviate the problem.

What was interesting is that the during the investigation of the issue, the township learned that the legal process to make Fulton Road a public street was never undertaken decades ago.

To add more parking, the township will move to pass an ordinance to formalize Fulton Road as a public street. This will allow the township to examine putting additional parking in the right-of-way. The township’s engineer stated during the meeting that he believes there to be enough space.

The ordinance will need to be advertised and voted on at a public meeting. During this process, Plymouth Township’s Council will seek public comment (especially from the residents of Fulton Street).

More to come.