Redevelopment of Former Lincoln Fire Company on Agenda of Whitemarsh’s Zoning Hearing Board on November 7th

On the agenda for Whitemarsh’s Zoning Hearing Board on Wednesday, November 7th at 7:00 p.m. is the proposal to redevelop the former Lincoln Fire Company at 252 Roberts Avenue in Conshohocken (Whitemarsh Township).

This proposal is different that the original plan which was to build five townhomes. The plan that will be before the Zoning Hearing Board is for three townhomes that will utilize a portion of the existing structure.

Below is the notice:

ZHB#2018-23: Conshohocken Land Development, LLC, 252 Roberts Avenue, Conshohocken, PA; Parcel #65-00-10171-00-6; Block 017; Unit 006; B-Residential District. The Applicant is proposing to remove a portion of the existing building (former Lincoln Fire Company) and with the addition of a second floor, convert the remaining portion into three (3) attached residential units. The following relief is requested: 1. Special Exception under §116-195. to permit the change of the existing nonconforming use to the proposed use because the proposed use is of the same class or use or of a more restrictive nature than the existing nonconforming use; in the alternative, a variance to permit the proposed use. 2. Interpretation under §116-192. that the proposed nonconforming use is not a use designated for a district which is less restrictive than the existing nonconforming use; in the alternative, a variance to permit the proposed use. 3. In the alternative, Applicant requests a use variance from §116-35. and §116-56. to permit the construction of the proposed use. 4. Dimensional Variances from: a) §116-57.C. – Front Yard Setback – required 30’, proposed 9.7’. b) §116-57.E. – Rear Yard Setback – required 30’, proposed 6.7’. c) §116-57.G. –Maximum Building Coverage – required 20% of the total lot area, proposed 25.2% (existing 38.5%). d) §116-57.H. – Maximum Impervious Coverage – required 30% of the total lot area, proposed 60.7% (existing 92.5%). e) §116-24.D.(3) – Rear yard devoted to accessory use – allowed 30%, provided 36.3% (existing 57.9%). By letter dated October 2, 2018, the applicant requested a continuance until the November 7, 2018 meeting.

The meeting will be held at the Whitemarsh Township building at 616 Germantown Pike in Lafayette Hill.