received a call today and the person said he had noticed a white van doing traffic counts the past couple of days around Conshy. The van was marked with a Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission logo. According to its website, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission “is dedicated to uniting the region’s elected officials, planning professionals and the public with a common vision of making a great region even greater. Shaping the way we live, work and play, DVRPC builds consensus on improving transportation, promoting smart growth, protecting the environment and enhancing the economy.”
We sent an email to Barry Seymour, the commission’s executive director, and asked what their activity in Conshohocken entailed. His response was:
As part of our regular program, DVRPC undertakes traffic counts at different locations around the region either for specific projects or as part of ongoing data collection to monitor traffic flows. We are in Conshohocken this week taking counts at locations on Elm Street and Fayette Street. At this point those counts are not part of a broader study, but rather our regular rotation of sites throughout the region. All data is shared with PennDOT as part of their ongoing efforts to manage traffic flows or review traffic signal timing.
It is interesting that they end up on Elm Street, right after there is the discussion about the Fayette and Elm Street intersection being graded a “F”.
Keep you posted.