Last night at the Borough Council Meeting a representative from the Sewer Authority said that the sewer rates, which were raised last year with much fanfare, will be reduced from 16 to 22 percent in the near future. Borough Council President Paul McConnell wrote on his Facebook Page:
“Leadership from the Sewer Authority came to council last night to present where they stand on their finances. They had their first clean audit in a long time. They have a much clearer picture of the status of their finances. They are proposing a decrease in the service charge, which on average will amount about $16/quarter reduction, with a potential for a second reduction later next year. Of course, I do not want them to reduce at the expense of odor control, and that was discussed that they believe they have (finally) gotten their arms around controlling the odors. So positive news.”
The representative also mentioned that connection fees could also be changed in the future. Currently a single home owner pays the same connection fee as an apartment building. The change would be to charge by dwelling, so for example a four unit apartment building would pay four connection fees.
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