-Lt Craig Bald was welcomed home to Conshy.
-Colonial School District making preparations to introduce elementary school to parents from Conshy Catholic who choose not to take their kids to the merged school in KOP. (Times Herald)
-Conshohocken Catholic had a meeting with parents recently and turned away the media that wanted to attend.
– Local ambulance company gets grant to purchase new heart monitors. (Times Herald)
-Plymouth Corporate Center was recently bought at auction and is being re-branded the Conshohocken Ridge Corporate Center.(Philadelphia Business Journal)
-A review of the new 401 Diner. (Montgomery Media)
-Some guy is suing Conshy over its Human Relations Ordinance. (Times Herald)
-Conshy-based eMoney Advisor partnered with Philadelphia Wings Lacrosse to support the Wounded Warrior Project. (Times Herald)
-Conshy firm, TargetX, is helping colleges recruit students. (philly.com)
-Learn about the Conshohocken Art League. (Montgomery Media)
-The Conshohocken Steelers is now also part of the Philadelphia Soul Development League. They will also continue to play an outdoor schedule.
-The Conshohocken Saint Patrick’s Parade will take place on March 10th at 2:00 p.m.
-The Borough collected 8,080 in parking violations from the street and and deck in November 2011. The meters collected 6,089.67 on the street and on the deck.
-Stephen Phipps was reappointed as Fire Chief and Emergency Management Coordinator for another two year term by Borough Council. This will be his second term.
-If you are having any issues in the Borough and are wondering which Borough Council member heads up the area you are concerned with, here is the list:
Finance, Transportation & Economic Development – Mr. Raj GuptaPersonnel – Ms. Carolyn MayePublic Safety & Parking – Mr. Ike GriffinPublic Works – Mr. Bob StokleyParks & Grounds – Mr. Ed PhippsRecreation & Fellowship House – Mr. Matt RyanBuildings – Mr. Paul McConnell
What You May Have Missed
- Event – The StoneRose is Having Burger Week; Plus Have a New Happy Hour
- Event – 3rd Annual Conshy Kids Consignment Sale
- Matt Mittman on the Real Estate Market in Conshy
- Freedley Square Home Going on the Market
- Event – The Conshy Winter Formal
- New Cornhole League at Washies
- Event – Five Restaurant Owners Coming Together for Spaghetti Dinner to Benefit Janie Carbo
Stay Tuned For….
- I am working on an article on what will/could/should happen in Conshy over the next three years. Conshy is on the cusp of a wave of potential new development and I am going to provide readers a lay of the land.
- A new bunch of Conshy Celebrities.
- The launch of AroundAmbler.com.
- A complete redesign for MoreThanTheCurve.com.