Every week we search for the most interesting and inane tweets about the Conshohockens, Lafayette Hill and Plymouth Meeting. Here is what we found this week:
Tomorrow I have to drive to Conshohocken, then when finished drive up towards Williamsport. Literally am going to be in a car for 5 1/2 hours driving and like 10-11 hours of work on top of that tomorrow. Someone end me.
— Bitcoins, Babes, and Breakdowns ™ (@entrailsofpatty) May 25, 2018
Can anyone in conshohocken braid
— 21 Sauvage 🇳🇬 🇪🇸 (@HollowayMack) May 24, 2018
I had a dream I was driving around conshohocken with meek mill
— julia (@jskibs98) May 23, 2018
One of them pronounce Conshohocken like Cornish Chicken so
— 🅱️lue 🅱️ike (@realhamseth) May 23, 2018
One of them pronounce Conshohocken like Cornish Chicken so
— 🅱️lue 🅱️ike (@realhamseth) May 23, 2018
I was 17 years old. Ever day after school I would stop by @wawa next to the appointments I grew up (conshohocken,pa) buy a @USATODAY go right to the Sports news and just cry over the next trade my marlins did. But I’m still a @Marlins fan and will always be.
— Jon-Erik (@jonerik0619) May 22, 2018
Second day in a row where it takes me 20 minutes to get through two blocks. #iloveconshytraffic #conshohocken #terriblytimedlights pic.twitter.com/WKqKfLWkzD
— Leslie (@LeslieW0928) May 22, 2018
@USPS you have the BEST customer service in Conshohocken PA
— R S (@Robinluvhearts) May 21, 2018
A calm mind in the midst of anarchy can tame the wildest storms
-A Bathroom Stall In a Conshohocken McDonalds— Andy (@ASerpente11) May 21, 2018
“what’s on your mind?”
my brain: Conshohocken. conshohocken. ~conshohocken~ conch shell hawk in. conch..uhhhh….. conshohocken. ConshUHhocken. c o n s h o h o c k e n
me: “you wouldn’t understand”
— Kelly Steltz (@KellySteltz) May 21, 2018
@NBATV conshohocken, Pa should be an expansion city contender. We got bars and bros
— Ole Hickey Ham Mike (@BigMike2step) May 20, 2018
They playing @MusiqSoulchild in Conshohocken… I am ALIVE!!!!!
— Dwayne (@dwhitney_21) May 20, 2018
Conshohocken is like the fucking land of Oz #HaHaHa #HoHoHo
— Dwayne (@dwhitney_21) May 20, 2018
I am so confused lmao #Conshohocken
— Dwayne (@dwhitney_21) May 20, 2018
S/o lady at the conshy wawa. Rolled a tight shortie turkey. Tight tight tight
— Sean Edward (@S_DOT5) May 25, 2018
#Conshy and West Conshy- where you can't drive around between 4:30pm & 6:30pm
— Conshy West (@ConshyWest) May 24, 2018
You know you have a problem with the pub in conshy when everyone tags you about the new roof top bar 🤦🏼♀️
— em shanaynay (@ooo_killllEM) May 24, 2018
Can someone please just finish the job. West Conshy Wawa needs to die. https://t.co/6nEnRMdVzH
— Mr. Muzz (@_themuzz) May 23, 2018
When I’m mayor of conshy my first order of business is exhuming the body of Andrew Carnegie from underneath the Conshy steel mill
— Tim McTamney (@timmctamney) May 20, 2018
@SEPTA_SOCIAL L bus #3387 lvg Plymouth Meeting Mall at 7:26 raced through the parking lot and didn’t pick us up. We tried to stop her and she kept going. Unreal I did not get the actual box number
— Ursula-Nicole (@UrsulaNicole) May 21, 2018
@AMCTheatres waiting outside the theater in Plymouth Meeting, PA for a movie that starts in 5 minutes. Open the doors!
— Karen Leary (@karleary) May 20, 2018