The Zoning Hearing involving the Casmar Cafe being transformed into Jasper’s Backyard will be held on Monday, July 7th at 7:30 p.m. The hearing will be held at Old Borough Hall at West 8th and Fayette. Below are the details on what the petitioner is seeking:
The Petitioner is requesting special exceptions and a variances under the terms of the Conshohocken Zoning Ordinance Sections 27-703 B, D, and E; and a variance to Section 27-703H.
The Petitioner proposes to change the second floor apartment use to the restaurant /bar use by inccreasing the size of the second floor of the building to match the first floor; expand the restaurant bar use to the garage on the property bwhich would be used seasonally: and replace the existing non-conforming sign with one which is larger.
Interested parties are invited to particpate (sic) in the hearing, Anyone requiring special accommodations to attend should contact Conshohocken Borough Administration Office at 610-828-1092 as soon as possible to make arrangements.