Local real estate transactions for May 2024

A new feature on MoreThanTheCurve.com is a list of the real estate transactions each month. Note that we aren’t including the ones that only involve $1. Below we show the transaction by municipality. All information is available through Montgomery County public records.

Borough of Conshohocken

May 13
239 West 3rd Avenue
Frank Costa to Thomas and Yasmine Finnegan

May 10
303 East 10th Avenue
720 Spring Mill LP to Jenna Marie Wilson

May 15
302 East Elm Street
Jonathan Green and Gabrielle Irvin to Neil M. Fisch

Borough of West Conshohocken

No transaction took were recorded in the month of May.

Plymouth Township

May 2
666 West Germantown Pike, Unit 2714
Linda M. and Leah S. Halpern to Robin Reynolds Noble and Stephen O. Noble

May 10
1328 Butler Pike
Zachary J. Kaeser and Lucia A. Posillico to Christopher Reidenouer

May 13
1009 Germantown Pike
Sophia J. Noblit to Tony’s Pizza & Pasta LLC

May 14
666 West Germantown Pike, Apt 2117
Roberta H. Stankiewicz to William and Julie McCann

May 15
666 West Germantown Pike, Condo 2211
John and Flora A. McVay to Richard Baronian

Whitemarsh Township

May 6
3113 Quarry Lane
MTB Development LLC to David A. Barrese and Danielle Zambrano

May 7
1 Wedgewood Drive
MJ Acquisitions LLC to Young Hoon Gim and Julietta Leung

May 8
6132 Butler Pike
Argos Associates to Patricia R. Jones

May 8
314 Whitemarsh Drive
Nina Stuccio to Richard Ram Morey and Tammy Fran Rosner

May 9
1411 Butler Pike
Sharon J. Miller to Craft Holdings LLC

May 13
462 Germantown Pike
John and Gloria Settember to Ballance Properties LLC