Over the past couple weeks we received a handful of inquiries about the status of Balligomingo Road. The road has been closed since 2015 due to mud slides and debris that come off a slope along the road. The cause is disputed between the property owner of 14 Union Hill Road (the property at the top of the slope), the Borough of West Conshohocken and PennDOT. The death, in a plane accident, of the property owner further complicated the issue.
In February 2017, MoreThanTheCurve.com reported that the state had allocated money to resolve the problem. At the time the schedule to stabilize the slope was projected to begin in March of 2018 and was estimated to be completed in March of 2019. The cost was projected to be $2,175,000.
In the minutes of the May 8th meeting of West Conshohocken’s Borough Council there was an update on work to be done by the property owner of 14 Union Hill Road to redirect water away from the slope. Here is the text from the minutes:
The Mr. Malloy mentioned is West Conshohocken’s engineer. Pennoni Associates is the Borough’s transportation consultant. Mr. McGrory is the Borough Council’s solicitor.
We emailed PennDOT to check on the status from their end and received the following response:
The project is scheduled to be advertised in December with construction beginning in the spring. Estimation completion date is early 2020.
So the project isn’t going to meet the original timeline, but it is moving forward. It looks like the plan to resolve the issue is about 12 months behind the original estimated completion schedule.