Nominations start August 6th, 2018. Each MoreThanTheCurve Member may nominate one business per award. Businesses must reside within the 19428 zip code.
Three finalists for each award advance to the final round of voting starting August 15th, 2018 through August 29th, 2018. Each MoreThanTheCurve Member is allowed 1 vote per week, with a total of 2 votes possible before the finals are closed on August 29th, 2018. In the case of a tie in the nominations for top three, tied nominees will be placed in the finals. In the case of a tie in the finals, a additional tie-breaking vote will take place. The winners of each award will be announced in September 2018.
Businesses must reside in the 19428 zip code. Burb Media, LLC reserves the right to have complete discretion as it relates to businesses that are nominated. Burb Media, LLC reserves the right to remove any voters or votes that it deems inappropriate.
Best of Conshohocken and Best of Conshy are trademarked by Burb Media, LLC. The 2017 and 2018 Best of Conshy logo is the property of Burb Media, LLC and may not be reproduced without permission or consideration.