In the 6th
Ward 1 in Conshohocken’s current congressman, Jim Gerlach (R), has decided to exit the Republican primary for governor and instead run to hold his seat in Congress.
Steven Welch (R) hasn’t decided.
With Gerlach in, Curt Schroder (R) drops out.
Patrick Sellers (R) staying in the race.
Howard Cohen (R) drops out.
Ryan Costello (R) who dropped out of the race last year thoughts on the race in the 6th.
Scott Zelov (R) decides not to get in.
Manan Trivedi (D) still thinks he is the best man in the race.
Nothing has changed for Doug Pike (D).
Brian Gordon (D) playing catch-up.
In the 7th
Pat Meehan’s (R) name recognition is helping raise money. He raised $580,000 last quarter.
Bryan Lentz (D) raised $300,000 last quarter.
In the 13th
The race in the 13th doesn’t seem to be getting much traction in the press. Allyson Schwartz (D) is running to keep her seat and there are three Republicans vying to challenge her in November. Here are the Republican candidates: