News & Gossip
Tonight, Council’s Parking and Transportation Committee will discuss a proposal to close West 2nd Avenue (pictured above) between Fayette and Forrest Streets to expand the Veterans Memorial Park. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at Borough Hall at 8th and Fayette.
Residents at the apartments on the river have flood fatigue.
Conshy resident Sharone Weizman was named the Times Herald’s Citizen of the Week.
What You May Have Missed
Links to the stories that we recently published….
- New Boutique Coming to Conshy
- Google Search Results for the Week
- 50/50 Fundraiser for Cradles to Crayons and JDRF
- Registration Open for Community Garden
- Conshy Celebrity – Samantha Long
- New Yoga Studio Opens in Conshy
Autumn Candy is In!
Edwards-Freeman Nut Company has all your autumn/fall favorites including candy corn.
Real Estate
Watch the above video to find out who is jamming up the real estate market. Mittman & Rehling was also recently profiled in two recent articles, one in the Times Herald, and a second in Smart Business.
Follow the Jeremy Bowers & Mike Sroka Team on Facebook and their blog by clicking here.
Foodie Events
Every Tuesday, Blackfish offers a four course dinner featuring a different ingredient. You can see the upcoming featured ingredients here. Price is $45 per person. Call 610-397-0888 for more info.
Meet the Candidates, and the Whitemarsh Business Association have invited all of the local candidates to the Conshohocken Cafe on Monday, September 26th from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. This is your chance to ask questions of all the candidates in an informal setting. You can see all the details here.
Events, Happenings & Specials
Conshy Fun Fest is this Saturday and it includes a 5K, kids activities, beer garden, live music and more all. Click here for all the details.
A Night at the Races is being held on Saturday, October 8th from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. to benefit for Washies Fire Company. This event, held in conjunction with the Mayor’s Special Events Committee, includes the races, food, refreshments, door prizes, tombola table, 50/50, and more.
8 East is holding a fundraiser for firefighters on Thursday, September 22nd from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There will be a bunch of specials and a firefighter wing eating contest.
Click here for all the details on S.S. Cosmas & Damian Annual Feast.
Spamps is introducing a Mug Night on Thursdays with $5 mugs and $1.50 Miller Lite refills. There are also 1/2 price wings and apps from 5:00 p.m. on.
There is a yard sale on Saturday, September 17th from 8:00 a.m. to noon at 422 Pleasant Valley Drive. They have holiday decorations, toys, summer items and much, much more. Pleasant Valley Drive is located just off of Colwell Lane near Frank & Eddie’s Deli and Plymouth Fire Company!
The Conshohocken Shade Tree Commission will hold a free Fall Community Tree Education workshop on Monday, September 19th, 7 PM at the Fellowship House.
Social Impact and Gypsy Saloon invite you to “One Last Walk On The Boardwalk” on September 23d from 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. The evening will include ive music inside and outside, complementary food & discounted drinks, casual attire, tons of raffle prizes. There is a $10 donation requested at the door. All proceeds will benefit Social Impact Inc and their 2011 cause — Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.
Join RYAH Yoga on October 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for Here Comes the Sun: An Exploration of Sun Salutations, a complete breakdown and exploration of Surya Namaskar A and B. This is perfect for beginners or for students looking to strengthen the foundation of their practice.
Secret Service is returning to Spamps on September 29th.
Cradles to Crayons rescheduled their their first ever Young Friends Miniature Golf Tournament for Wednesday, September 28th at Tee’s. Teams of 4 are $100 and an Individual Registration is $30. Local bars, restaurants, and businesses will be sponsoring the event as well as generously donating appetizers and prizes! There will be a post event happy hour at the Gypsy Saloon, their 18th hole sponsor.
The second annual “I Fall in Conshy” Bar Crawl will be held on October 1st.
Business News
Online mogul Michael Rubin, who recently sold GSI Commerce, is opening an office in Conshy to oversee Fanatics LLC, Rue La La and ShopRunner, Inc. The article sort of implies that there will be 1,000 employees in Conshy, but that is an overall number and not for the Conshy office. In Conshy expect to see about 150 employees.
Guardian Capital Partners has invested in Conshohocken-based Rio Brands, which is a supplier of a full line of outdoor furniture and other related accessories used for the beach, backyard, patio, parks and other outdoor venues. has created a Business Group on LinkedIN. If you would like to join, follow the link and request to be a member. This group is geared towards business networking for people who live and/or work in Conshohocken and West Conshohocken. I would love to get more people and companies in the big buildings involved with the site and community.