Conshy Dog Park is Closer to Opening

A resident of The Londonbury provided MTTC a photo today of the progress made on the Conshy Dog Park. As you can see a fence is up and some landscaping has been done.

The public park is located directly behind the apartment complex within a 100′ strip that is borough owned. A couple comments on a Facebook page for The Londonbury residents expressed concern regarding parking. I do know the public parking spaces are part of the overall plan for the river front.

Within the next year, the river front will be a lot busier. In addition to the dog park, the Conshohocken Rowing Center will be built behind Riverwalk, the helipad will be complete and O’Neill Properties has plans to construct two new apartment complexes (one next to Riverwalk and the other next to The Londonbury, in front of the office building).

Stay tuned for details on a grand opening for the dog park.