News & Gossip
Conshohocken Restaurant Week is NEXT WEEK! This year’s participating restaurants include 8 East, Fayette Street Grille, Isabella, Blackfish, Gypsy Saloon, Stella Blu, Flanigan’s Boathouse, Pepperoncini, The StoneRose, Guppy’s, Spamps, The Great American Pub, Shula’s 347 Grill, Spampinato’s, Trattoria Totaro, Piatto Grille and Totaro’s. Each participating restaurant will be offering $20 and/or $35 fixed price menus during Restaurant Week. PLUS, bring your receipt from a participating restaurant dated June 13-19, to OBVI the following week and you get 10% off.
The Conshohocken Restaurant Week Preview Party was held on Monday night at the Philadelphia Marriott West in West Conshohocken. The sold out event raised $2,000 for Cradles to Crayons and featured the restaurants participating in Restaurant Week sampling their menus and complimentary beer and wine. Thanks to E&J Gallo for providing the wine and Origlio Beverage for providing the beer. Pictured above is Spamps’ Sushi Boat display. The Marriott was a great host and provided their newly renovated ballroom at no cost. E&J Gallo Winery and Edwards Freeman Nut Company also joined forced to pair wine, chocolate and nuts for gift baskets that were raffled during the event. Thanks to everyone that supported this event.
The Lukoil in West Conshohocken was robbed on Monday. He took all the money, but was kind enough to only demand two packs of cigarettes.
Linda A. Palermo of Conshy was sentenced this past Friday to 10 to 23 months in county lockup for embezzling from West Conshy and some other municipalities.
The Yappy Hours, for dogs and owners, Spamps has been holding made the newspaper. There will be another one this Sunday.
The Times Herald did a really nice story on former mayoral candidate and longtime and current youth coach Marty Eckert.
Conshy native Joshua Lawler’s restaurant, The Farm and the Fisherman, was reviewed in the City Paper.
Last night the Borough’s Transportation Committee had a meeting to discuss a few streets where parking has become/is a perceived issue. The first street discussed was West 6th, where there is currently a mix of parallel and angled parking. The Borough mapped out a plan to make the street all angled parking. A couple residents were concerned about not being able to see around the parked cars when pulling out of their driveways. However, the Borough representatives said that angled parking actually slows traffic and will create an additional 11 available parking spots on the street. One East 8th Avenue a couple residents brought up that a couple houses on their block are rented to college students, which has resulted in two houses adding 10 cars to the block. The current discussion is to add permit parking in that area. On East 3rd the discussion is to provide some additional permit parking. On Maple, Guppy’s is going to add new signage to lessen confusion on where its patrons should/can park.
Foodie Events
Every Tuesday, Blackfish offers a four course dinner featuring a different ingredient. You can see the upcoming featured ingredients here. Price is $45 per person. Call 610-397-0888 for more info.
Healthy Stuff
Evolving Well Health Coaching is holding a seminar on “Keys for Staying Hydrated for the Active & Athletic” on Wednesday, June 15th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. at Daily Grind Fitness. The seminar features a revealing discussion on what hydration is, why most people experience a constant state of dehydration and what this all means for your muscles and bones. I’ll also share with you how to optimally reach and sustain hydration in your body by learning what foods naturally help and hinder the delicate balance in your body. Cost is $20 for current Daily Grind clients and $25 for anyone else. RSVP to
Join RYAH Yoga for an extra special practice devoted to helping you find your purpose. To be held monthly, this extended class with focus on themes of spirituality, service, prayer and fostering community. 100% of proceeds will be donated to both a local and a global cause, to be announced each month. Students will be encouraged to engage in meaningful conversations, have a chance to develop their voice as critical members of the community and will also have an opportunity to decide which local organizations the funds we raise will benefit A Local for Global event hosted by Maura Manzo.
Events, Happenings & Specials
Tip N Bones are returning to Spamps for a little acoustic action on Thursday June 9th starting at 7:30 p.m. Weather permitting, they will be playing outside in the Grotto.
Every Thursday at Gypsy Saloon ~ It’s Mexician Thursdays including Mexican dinner specials, $5 Margaritas & Sangrias, and $2 Tacos (bar only). There will also be Friday night dance parties every Friday night with DJ Cleveland from 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
Every Thursday night “Get unWINEd” night at Pepperoncini. They have $5 glasses and offer $10 off any bottle.
The 8 East Philadelphia Fight open a 3 game home stand this Saturday, June 11th vs. the Oneida FC (2nd Boston side) after an opening weekend demolition of the Rhode Island Rebellion up in Providence, 46-4. The game will start at 5:00 p.m. but the gates will open at 4pm. They will have $2 Beers all game and a full concession stand. Admission is $5 for adults and children under 12 are free. There is also an After Party at 8 East.
The Casmar Cafe is holding their annual Rib Off on June 18th.
Current Borough Council member Jason Salus is having a BBQ at the home of Liam McGuigan on June 30th to raise funds for his run for Montgomery County Treasurer.
Flanigan’s Boathouse has Quizzo every Tuesday night starting at 9:00 p.m.
The captains, Meghan and Maggie, of the 8 East Philadelphia Fight’s dance team, the Vixens, will be guest bartenders at 8 East on Thursday, June 9th (TONIGHT) starting at 8:00 p.m.
Conshohocken’s Fourth of July fireworks will be held on July 3rd at dusk at Sutcliffe Park.
Candy of the Week
Do you call them sprinkles or jimmies? Edwards-Freeman Nut Company has all types of toppings!
Real Estate
Check out all the listing for sale and for rent courtesy of
Every day The Jeremy Bowers & Mike Sroka Team posts articles regarding the latest news in real estate and tips on buying and selling house. You can receive the links to the stories by following their Facebook Page. Bowers also sent me a note saying that real estate market for Conshohocken and Plymouth are strong. His team is selling most of the homes they list in less the 60 days and the market can withhold more listings unlike other parts of the country. If your home is marketed correctly by an agent with closing skills and the price is right then it will sell. The major difference from the market now compared to a couple years ago, is that anyone could put a sign out a couple years ago and the listing would sell, now you have to have skills to make the sale.
Business News has created a Business Group on LinkedIN. If you would like to join, follow the link and request to be a member. This group is geared towards business networking for people who live and/or work in Conshohocken and West Conshohocken. I would love to get more people and companies in the big building involved with the site and community.