1. Clean-Up Event on Brook Road

    Community, Hosted By Colonial Cleanup

  2. Took place on Tuesday, April 9th, 2019 @ 5:00pm
  3. Norman's Carpet
    pin 546 Brook Rd, Conshohocken, PA 19428
  4. Parking: Please park at the Norman Carpet Parking Lot "in the back by the fence" You will see a car with a box of garbage bags and glove in front of it. Grab a garbage page, a pair of gloves, and a safety vest and join me on Brook Road. at 5pm for about 2 hours. Cleanup Location: Brook Road under the 476 overpass is a good place have another cleanup. (546 Brook Rd, Conshohocken, PA 19428) After Parky: Afterwards we will meet at Conshohocken Brewing in Conshohocken and celebrate the cleanup effort, one free beer goes to the person who picks up the most trash!

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