Used Book Sale
Community, Hosted By Friends of the William Jeanes Memorial Library
Took place on Saturday, September 21st, 2019 from 10:00am to 3:00pm
William Jeanes Memorial Library and Nicholas and Athena Karabots Center for Learning
4051 Joshua Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 -
Fall Used Book Sale at the Library It’s that time again! Time for the semi-annual Friends of the Library USED BOOK SALE WHEN? SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21 10AM-3PM SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 22 1PM -3PM WHERE? The William Jeanes Memorial Library and Nicholas and Athena Karabots Center for Learning is located at 4051 Joshua Road in Lafayette Hill, PA 19444, between Flourtown Road and Germantown Pike. The building is fully-accessible with off-street parking. The Book Sale is held in the Willaman Community Commons on the lower level. Arrive early on Saturday for the best selection! Regular shoppers line up before the doors open. CASH ONLY! TEACHERS! The Friends received a generous donation of educational supplement materials – three (3) boxes of supplemental reading materials for your perusal! Thousands of thoughtfully sorted titles, including books, DVDs and CDs, will be available at bargain prices — 25¢, 50¢, $1, and up. Special items, such as antiquarian and first editions, are priced separately. Now is the time to start shopping for your holiday gift-giving. Each semi-annual Friends book sale opens with a fresh assortment of items waiting to be plucked and placed in your home library; any remaining inventory is donated to worthy organizations. On Sunday, the Friends offer a “Fill Your Bag” option; bring your own grocery-size bag, and for $5, you can fill it to the brim; not all remaining items are included in the bag sale. Please, do not call the Library to ask about items as this sale is organized by the Friends of the Library volunteer group; you will have to wait until 10am on Saturday, September 21! YOU CAN HELP! because their book room is overflowing....the Friends of the Library have no room left for books! The Friends have asked that the public hold book donations as of August 30 to give them time to organize the collection in preparation for the sale. The Friends will resume accepting book donations as of Monday, October 6. The Friends appreciate the community’s understanding and cooperation. The Friends of the William Jeanes Memorial Library sponsors the Book Sale. The Friends, a separate nonprofit organization, donates funds to supplement the William Jeanes Memorial Library programs and services, and makes gifts that enhance the building and grounds. The Friends is an all-volunteer organization that invites your participation and membership. For further information, check the library’s website, visit www.jeaneslibrary.org, and be sure to visit the Friends page once you’re there. The “Friends” page can be accessed from the drop-down MENU on the top left corner of the library website homepage.
For KidsFree AdmissionKid Friendly