Conshohocken Borough will hold a meeting on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 4:30 p.m. at Conshohocken Borough Hall (720 Fayette Street) for property and business owners to discuss the next phase of improvements along Fayette Street. Basic improvements have been made to the 100 through 600 blocks of Fayette Street. The new streetscape phase will complete improvements not made during the initial construction including lighting and street furniture. This phase of the project also will make basic improvements, such as sidewalks and paver treatments to East 1st Avenue from Fayette to Harry Streets. Staff from Remington Vernick and Beach Engineers and the Borough will be available to discuss what improvements will be made to individual blocks.
Please plan to attend or send a representative to this meeting to have your concerns heard and questions answered. Property owners are requested to notify businesses in their buildings of this meeting.
The current streetscape project is funded in part by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. Anyone needing special accommodations to attend the meeting should contact the Borough Administration Office at 610-828-1092 as soon as possible to make arrangements. Questions about the meeting can be addressed to Chris Stetler at the same number.