Mike Missanelli is the Celebrity Bartender for Janie Tonight at Guppy’s Good Times

97.5 The Fanatic’s Mike Missanelli will be at Guppy’s Good Times tonight (Thursday, April 7th) from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Missanelli is this week’s celebrity bartender for Janie. For several years, Guppy’s has been holding fundraisers for Janie, who was born with a rare disorder called MIDAS syndrome (Microphthalmia, Dermal Apalsia, Sclerocornea) which only affects females.

Along with several other medical deficiencies MIDAS has left Janie blind since birth. Her left eye is under developed which requires her to wear a glass eye. This disorder is so rare that Janie was the first case at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Although the doctors told this precious little girl’s parents she would only have 10 months to live, today she is a loving 11 year old girl.

Going forward there will be celebrity bartenders every Thursday in April. Stay tuned for details.