Due to the rain, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Conshohocken has been postponed until Saturday, March 27th at 2:00 p.m.
There is a special subpage detailing what is going on where on the actual St. Patrick’s Day, which is tomorrow.
I am creating a sub-page under Conshy Dish for Daily Specials. While each restaurant in Conshy gets a free listing on the Conshy Dish page, only advertiser’s specials will be listed on the sub-page. This will provide a quick list of what is happening around down each day and will launch next week.
Join MoreThanTheCurve.com and Magis Creative for a networking event on Tuesday, March 23rd from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Flanigan’s Boathouse in Conshohocken. Your first drink is free (beer or wine). RSVP is not required, but is encouraged.
The Conshohocken Shade Tree Commission would like to invite all borough residents interested in planting a tree on along the street in front of their home to participate in their Spring Bare-Root Tree Planting.
Secret Service returns to Spamps on Thursday, April 1st from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. There will be $3.00 Bud Lights all night.
Totaro’s was profiled in this month’s Bucks & Montgomery Living Magazine.
Flanigan’s Boathouse recently installed new flat screens throughout the venue in preparation for March Madness.
M Bar is hosting a regular trivia night and was mentioned on NBC10’s website.
Stop by Pepperoncini on Thursday and unWINEd with $5.00 glasses of house wines and $10 off any bottle.
The Greater Conshohocken Merchants & Professional Association is having a membership drive. They are currently have a special offer of $175 for the year, which will include a coupon on Conshohocken Coupons through January 1st. That is a $200 savings. To learn more contact Angela Hendrick at beaniebouncepartyrentals@yahoo.com.
There is an effort to raise funds to continue having fireworks in Conshy on the 4th of July. If you remember, last year the Borough cut back on this funding and locals raised money (about $18,000) to continue the tradition. There is a Facebook page with more details and info on their first fundraising event.
The “Candy of the Week” at Edwards-Freeman is Nostalgic Goldenbergs Peanut Chews. $1.50 a bar!
Conshohocken native Laury Raiken, owner of Body Sculpt & Fitness, was recently named “A Top Health Blogger” by Wellsphere. Click here to visit her blog.
Are you planning an event or getting married? There are a bunch of great venues and vendors based in Conshy, which you can learn more about under the Planning an Event button.
Spring Mill Fire Company is hosting it’s 2nd Annual Ham Shoot Sunday, March 21 beginning at 8:00 a.m. Raffles for various prizes will be held all day long and a 32″ LCD TV will be raffled at the end of the day. TV Raffle tickets are only $1 each. Sunday will be the first chance to by tickets for the Spring Mill/Lincoln Fire C.o joint raffle for a 2010 Harley Davidson Dyne Super Glide Motorcycle, (Raffle drawing October 23rd,2010) Motorcycle raffle tickets are only $5 each. Bring your own shotgun. Hams given to person who is closest to the center of the target.
No free burritos in Conshohocken.
A story from the Philly Inquirer about building managers, including the person who managers some of the towers in Conshy and West Conshy.
Conshohocken native playing for Sienna in the NCAA Tournament.
Some guy named Jack and a helmet cam.
Conshohocken’s CCB was acquired by a company in VA.