Pizza Time Saloon/Old Time Saloon listed for sale in Conshohocken. Half block of Maple Street now for sale

The property and businesses that consist of Pizza Time Saloon/Old Time Saloon at 628 Maple Street in Conshohocken have been listed for sale on for $3.5 million. The sale includes the businesses, liquor license, property, and all the fixtures and equipment, The reason for the sale is given on the listing as retirement.

Please note that this doesn’t mean that the businesses are now closed. They are still open.

From the sales brochure:

KW Commercial proudly presents the exceptional Pizza Time Saloon property and business, conveniently located at 628 Maple Street in the heart of Conshohocken, PA.

This turnkey opportunity offers a fully equipped restaurant and bar with a coveted “R” license, two versatile upstairs private event spaces, and convenient on-street parking.

The sale of Pizza Time Saloon encompasses the full spectrum of assets, from the well-appointed bar and restaurant area to the versatile private event spaces. Additionally, the sale includes all fixtures, furniture, and equipment (FF&E), providing you with everything needed to seamlessly operate the business from day one.

Detailed financials and performance data are available upon request to well-qualified buyers who execute a Confidentiality Agreement.

On July 17th, reported that the Don Len property, which is the neighboring property, was listed for sale. Together the two properties consist of half of the 600 block of Maple Street.

If you aren’t familiar with the two businesses, Pizza Time Saloon is a traditional Philadephia region neighborhood pizza place. The Old Time Saloon is self-described in the sales brochure as a “true dive bar” with “timeless dive bar vibes.” In addition, there are two private event spaces.

You can view the entire listing here and the sales brochure here. The property is being represented by Beau McGettigan of KW Commercial who can be reached at (215) 360-3540.

Photo: Google

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