Plymouth Meeting author Steve Silbiger has released on July 2nd the fifth edition of The Ten-Day MBA (buy on Amazon). The latest edition updates and revises the book “incorporating the latest theories and topics taught at America’s top business schools.”
New and updated topics in the fifth edition include crypto currency, artificial intelligence, the gig economy, remote work, agile methodologies, ESG (environmental, social, and governance), along with examples and material reflecting corporate culture and economic change.
Silbiger first published the book in 1992 and has since sold more than 650,000 copies of various editions. On his authors page on Amazon he notes about first writing the book:
After I earned my MBA, I went about boiling down my binders of notes into a “Sparks Notes” of a top-ten MBA education. I also consulted my friends that attended other top 10 programs to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. I have updated it four times with the help of star students recommended by the faculty and my own continuing research. Definitely not academic, I write for the impatient student in mind, but it delivers easy to digest MBA content.
Silbiger has an MBA and CPA, and is the chief marketing officer and co-founder of Top Dog Direct. He is a top-ten graduate of the Darden Graduate School of Business at the University of Virginia and has lived in Plymouth Meeting since 1990.