On Election Day, MoreThanTheCurve.com has learned from multiple sources that the Conshohocken Police Department responded to three calls involving two locations in connection to the election and its aftermath.
First, during the day, police responded to a call because some people at the Ward 7 polling location felt uncomfortable with the behavior of a family member of the incumbent Democratic Party candidate Colleen Leonard. No one was arrested.
After their successful election, Montgomery County Democrats headed to Coyote Crossing and made a lot of noise driving neighbors to call the police twice between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. According to a neighbor there was a DJ and “The police had to explain that they were violating the noise ordinance and the people who may have voted for them couldn’t sleep.”
As far as we know, no one was cited.
You know what never had the police called on it? The Conshohocken Beer Festival.