Stories We Never Got to or Followed-Up on From 2017

We get pitched and are interested in a variety of stories each year. We sometimes don’t do a follow-up article on a story that deserves it, and then again, sometimes we just never get to a story we had hoped to write an article about (we are too busy reading Missed Connections on

Here are stories we had hoped to cover in 2017 and that we plan to circle back to in 2018:

  • In February we published an article that detailed what municipalities in our coverage area paid per resident for their police force (using 2014 data). Conshohocken, Plymouth Township and Whitemarsh Township were all under $400.00 per resident. West Conshohocken was $1,357.67 per resident. We were curious why the cost per resident was so different. Our initial efforts to find out why didn’t pan out and we eventually dropped it.
  • One third of the Conshohocken Rowing Center is dedicated to the use of the residents of Conshohocken. Two thirds is dedicated to the Main Line schools that raised the money to build it (the Borough provided the property). Is there an active rowing program for Conshohocken youth? Whatever happened to the idea of it providing access to the river for those wanting to kayak or canoe? Is all that happening and we just aren’t in the loop? We want to explore how the rowing center is being utilized in 2018.
  • When Borough Council member Robert Stokley (R) voted in favor of Wawa, he mentioned tunnels under Conshohocken. In 2018 we want to find these tunnels and investigate what their purpose was.
  • When announced, the redevelopment of the Verizon Building into a new Borough Hall was meant to include a retail component.  That portion of the building has sat empty since the building opened and now is slated to become an urgent care. Why did the effort to bring more retail to Fayette Street fail? It is worth exploring.
  • This year we had planned this year to regularly publish campaign finance reports for candidates in our coverage area. This will happen going forward.