Three Police Officers and Police Chief Recognized

During this week’s Borough Council meeting Police Officers Shane Murray, John Storti, and William Walter received Commendations of Merit for recent investigations and arrests.

Orler and Murray1

Detective William Walter was recognized for his investigation of a serial burglar that led to the eventual arrest of the suspect.  You can view the entire Commendation of Merit by clicking here.

Orler and Walter

Detective Shane Murray was recognized for his investigation of an armed robbery, which led to the eventual arrest of two suspects.  You can view the entire Commendation of Merit by clicking here.


Detective John Storti III was recognized for his extensive investigation of Dr. Arie Oren who was charged with four counts of Aggravated Indecent Assault and six counts of Indecent Assault.  You can view the entire Commendation of Merit by clicking here.

At the conclusion of the presentations for the officers, Mayor Bob Frost and Council recognized Chief Micheal Orler (top photo) for his 25 years of service to the Borough.