On the April 11th agenda of the Whitemarsh Township Board of Supervisors is the consideration on whether to advertise a proposed ordinance that would prohibit open burning in the township, except in certain circumstances. The reason for the ordinance is that it would be in the “best interests of the health, safety, and welfare” of township residents and visitors.
The proposed ordinance targets the burning of any materials and specifically mentions items such as “solid waste, recyclable materials, leaves, grass, weeds, and hedge and tree trimmings.
The text of the proposed ordinance also address several exceptions, such as chimneys, fire pit, and firefighting training, which are allowed under certain conditions.
You can find the fill text of the proposed ordinance here (starting at page 45).
If the supervisors vote to advertise the ordinance, the ordinance would then be available for a vote to adopt the ordinance at a future meeting.