Annual Janie Carbo Golf Outing on October 20th with After Party at Guppy’s

The Annual JANIE CARBO Golf Outing will be held on Monday, October 20th starting at 8:00 a.m. (shotgun) at Jeffersonville Golf Club. There will be food, beverages and contests throughout the course.

Immediately following golf, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., there will be a pig roast at Guppy’s Good Times, which will include a two hour open bar, dancing, raffle and door prizes.

The event is held for Janie, a ten year old, adorable little energetic girl who was born August 20, 2004 with a rare genetic disorder called MIDAS syndrome (Microphthalmia, Dermal Apalsia, Sclerocornea) which only affects females. Along with several other medical deficiencies MIDAS has left Janie blind since birth. Her left eye is under developed which requires her to wear a glass eye. This disorder is so rare that Janie was the first case at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Although the doctors told this precious little girl’s parents she would only have 10 months to live, today she is a loving ten year old little girl.

A spot in the golf tournament is $150.00. If you can only attend the after party at Guppy’s the cost is $50.00. Tee signs and sponsorships are also available. You can download all the details and sign-up form by clicking here.